The definitive bellflower, Campanulas melt your heart as they ring in the summer. The genus includes nearly 300 species, from exquisite miniatures to stalwart uprights; we can’t resist including them in almost every garden design.

Myriad conical greenish buds plus large, broadly bell-shaped creamy-yellow blooms make an enchanting summer-long appearance along low, leafy arching stems. Composed of fetching heart-shaped foliage with finely-toothed margins plus long petioles, this rarely offered, easy-care cultivar develops a snug slow-spreading bright green clump. Well suited for stone walls, cottage gardens and pathway edging, ‘Mrs. V. Vollenhove’ treasures loose well-drained ordinary garden soil and can accompany other smaller-statured perennials such as Geranium renardii or Veronica ‘Pure Silver’.
Blooms June–mid August
Size: 12" – 18" high x 12" – 18" wide.
Hardy to zone 4.
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Other selections in this genus:
- Campanula alliariifolia
- Campanula barbata
- Campanula ‘Birch Hybrid’
- Campanula carpatica var. turbinata
- Campanula garganica ‘Dickson’s Gold’
- Campanula glomerata ‘Bellefleur White’
- Campanula glomerata ‘Caroline’
- Campanula glomerata ‘Freya’
- Campanula ‘Iridescent Bells’
- Campanula ‘Kent Belle’
- Campanula lactiflora ‘Avalanche’
- Campanula lactiflora ‘Loddon Anna’
- Campanula lactiflora ‘Pouffe’
- Campanula lactiflora ‘Prichards Variety’
- Campanula lactiflora ‘White Pouffe’
- Campanula latiloba ‘Alba’
- Campanula portenschlagiana
- Campanula portenschlagiana ‘Resholt Variety’
- Campanula poscharskyana ‘Alba’
- Campanula poscharskyana ‘Blue Waterfall’
- Campanula poscharskyana ‘E. H. Frost’
- Campanula poscharskyana ‘Stella’
- Campanula punctata ‘Cherry Bells’
- Campanula ‘Purple Sensation’
- Campanula ‘Sarastro’
- Campanula sarmatica
- Campanula takesimana
- Campanula trachelium var. alba
- Campanula trachelium ‘Bernice’