Perennial Snapdragon

Awash with pastel charm, droves of pale pink flowers pose all summer long atop a low growing silvery bluish green mound that can take the heat. Perfect for a stone wall or along a pathway, this carefree perennial easily links stronger colored plants, while its thin curvy stems clad in glaucous, round downy leaves crave a bright, sheltered well-draining cranny.
Blooms June–mid-September
Size: 12" – 15" high x 12" – 15" wide.
Hardy to zone 5.

A soft, evergreen palette of silky-haired, gray-green leaves and trailing, fuzzy silver stems set off the glistening, uplifted racemes of creamy blooms. Each two-lipped blossom is accented with a pale yellow throat striped in lilac.
Exhibiting a fortitude for dry conditions and a small mounding presence, this pretty bushlet is ideally suited to the rockery or along a path where it soothes rough edges, and can be accompanied by Diascia ‘Coral Canyon’ and Nepeta ‘Select Blue’.
Blooms June–July
Size: 6" – 8" high x 12" – 18" wide.
Hardy to zone 7.