Flowering Maple
A 1993 AGM recipient, this coveted Abutilon is the marvelous progeny of 2 Brazilian species, Abutilon darwinii and Abutilon striatum. Lustrous, 3 in. wide dark maroon floral bells nodding amid large, forest-green foliage are its hallmark. Hummingbirds flock to the nonstop intensely hued blooms with incurved petals and prominent golden stamens, while the upright, somewhat stiff and fast growing, nearly black stems respond well to pruning. Grateful for protection from cold winter nights and scorching afternoon sun, easily cultivated ‘Nabob’ lends tropical-looking drama to a large vessel or garden nook.
Blooms May–November
Size: 7' 0" – 10' 0" high x 4' 0" – 5' 0" wide.
Zone 8b/9.
Abutilon ‘Victor Reiter’ (S-0440)
Each $14.75

Victor Reiter, the late well-known San Francisco plantsman, is paid homage through the spectacularly large blooms festooning his namesake. Amongst lush maple-shaped dark evergreen foliage, unopened buds, resembling miniature chartreuse pumpkins, give way to tangerine-colored, hibiscus-like flowers held by decorative yellow-green calyxes. The commanding show begs a prominent, even elevated position; stage it under taller trees, against a warm sheltered wall or as a container specimen in cooler climates. Adored by hummingbirds and plant aficionados, this Abutilon’s tailored yet vigorous habit craves well-drained adequately moist soil plus periodic pruning.
Blooms April–November
Size: 8' 0" high x 5' 0" – 6' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 7.