Flowering Maple
Abutilon ‘Victor Reiter’ (S-0440)
Each 14.75

Victor Reiter, the late well-known San Francisco plantsman, is paid homage through the spectacularly large blooms festooning his namesake. Amongst lush maple-shaped dark evergreen foliage, unopened buds, resembling miniature chartreuse pumpkins, give way to tangerine-colored, hibiscus-like flowers held by decorative yellow-green calyxes. The commanding show begs a prominent, even elevated position; stage it under taller trees, against a warm sheltered wall or as a container specimen in cooler climates. Adored by hummingbirds and plant aficionados, this Abutilon’s tailored yet vigorous habit craves well-drained adequately moist soil plus periodic pruning.
Blooms April–November
Size: 8' 0" high x 5' 0" – 6' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 7.
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