Thrusting upward from fleshy roots late in the spring, Roscoea’s green stems are sheathed by alternate glossy foliage, while its large lobed flowers possess an otherwordly appeal. An exotic-looking genus that counts Ginger among its kin, these Tibetan and Nepalese natives appreciate a deep planting and a thick layer of mulch for winter protection.

Celebrated for its mighty stalks plus marvelous long-lasting floral display that often extends through September, ′Vincent′s sizable violet flowers are heightened by prominent drooping lower lobes, luminous milky streaks and a mulberry-infused base. Large tapered dark green leaves firmly envelop the upright stems, forging a lush wavy base with a gleaming finish. Lovers of light shade and superb winter drainage, this bushy clump-forming perennial lends late season intrigue to woodland niches, especially when cozied beside Athyrium ‘Red Beauty’ and knitted amid deciduous shrubs, such as Spiraea ‘Ogon’ or Weigela ‘Minuet’.
Blooms July–September
Size: 18" – 20" high x 16" wide.
Hardy to zone 6.
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