Thrusting upward from fleshy roots late in the spring, Roscoea’s green stems are sheathed by alternate glossy foliage, while its large lobed flowers possess an otherwordly appeal. An exotic-looking genus that counts Ginger among its kin, these Tibetan and Nepalese natives appreciate a deep planting and a thick layer of mulch for winter protection.
Each 12.75

Presumed to be a hybrid between Roscoea auriculata and Roscoea cautleyoides, this AGM-winning Ginger relation is named for the English plant nursery Bees Ltd., though its exact origin remains unknown. Springing from hardy tuberous roots, thick upright clumping stems are tightly sheathed in shiny wavy-edged green leaves beneath the wondrous orchid-style cream-colored blooms, that are distinguished by deeply divided labellum plus varying degrees of purple streaks and mottling. Adequately moist, well-drained recesses with dappled light, a thick winter mulch and protection from scorching sun ensure Roscoea x beesiana’s vigor and flowers aplenty.
Blooms July–September
Size: 12" – 18" high x 12" – 18" wide.
Zone 5b/6.
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