Pink flowered white striped Cobra Lily

Cobra Lily or Jack-in-the-Pulpit
These exotic-looking Calla relations comprise a vast genus primarily found in the Himalayas, China and Japan. While the sparsely produced leaves are carved into 3 or more leaflets, the curious inflorescence features a fleshy club-like spike that’s packed with tiny flowers and encompassed by an over arching flower bract. Fertile, humus-rich and evenly moist soil helps keep the Cobra Lilies charmed.

Lustrous arrow-shaped leaves, which often grow 2 ft. wide, wait ‘til early summer to burst forth with dramatic tropical appeal. Affixed to sturdy 15 in. stalks, sensational hooded flowers, resembling pink pitchers, are enhanced by striking stripes of translucent milky white vertical veins. Undemanding, deer resistant and more sun-tolerant than other Arisaema, this lusted-after Cobra Lily pledges a glorious colony, produces offsets freely and launches bold bright orange-red seed pods in late summer.
Blooms June–July.
Size: 15" – 18" high x 10" wide.
Hardy to zone 6.
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