Alexander’s Rhubarb
Ornamental Rhubarb
Kin to the edible Rhubarb, these ornamental perennials spawn large brawny leafage and tall intriguing floral spires. Rheum can be utilized as a specimen in the mixed border, the landscape or skirting the water’s edge. They require deep, rich soil and appreciate mulching in the summer to keep their roots cool, as they detest extreme heat.
Each 11.00
Headlining a tall wondrous tower clothed in overlapping hand-sized creamy yellow bracts that veil its insignificant flowers and seeds, this magnificent perennial hails from the high altitude, lush marshy meadows and stream sides of Tibet and western China. Deep roots sprout a lustrous, low basal rosette defined by distinctive white-veined lance-shaped leaves. The long lasting scalelike bracts become streaked with burgundy, while autumn brings fiery claret and orange to the foliage.
A seldom-offered rarity, Alexander’s Rhubarb delivers extraordinary architectural panache to a sunny, yet cool, rich damp location.
Blooms May – July.
Size: 3' 0" high x 18" wide.
Hardy to zone 5.
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