Ornamental Rhubarb
Kin to the edible Rhubarb, these ornamental perennials spawn large brawny leafage and tall intriguing floral spires. Rheum can be utilized as a specimen in the mixed border, the landscape or skirting the water’s edge. They require deep, rich soil and appreciate mulching in the summer to keep their roots cool, as they detest extreme heat.
Rheum palmatum var. tanguticum (P-1629)
Each 12.00

One of the most pleasing of the tall ornamental rhubarbs, this prehistoric-looking specimen has colossal divided leaves that first emerge in reddish bronze tones. Warm weather brings dark green foliar hues on top and purple-infused undersides plus airy maroon panicles surmounting towering flower stalks. Later red shades enliven the foliage for a notable fall finale. Stage with another dynamic performer like Veronicastrum ‘Adoration’.
Blooms June–July
Size: 6-1/2' high x 5' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 5.
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