Scotch Lovage

Each 10.75

A cosmopolitan, easily grown perennial whose haunts span all the way from New England and our Pacific coast to northern Europe and Asia, the Scotch Lovage gratifies us with charming sprays of tiny, brilliant white flowers. Lustrous, thick scalloped foliage defines a low, dark green compact clump that supports sturdy, branching purple stalks and numerous pearly umbels.
Eaten by sailors to help prevent scurvy and added to salads, soups and stews for its celery-like flavor, this hard-to-find carrot relative can be placed in a somewhat moist, more wild garden bed where the mounding form of its filigree blooms echoes Astrantia ‘Roma’s pink pincushions.
Blooms July – September.
Size: 20" high x 15" wide.
Hardy to zone 4.
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