Wood Lily
A sure sign that spring has settled in, these demure treasures are at home in cool woodland settings. Soon after their enchanting flowers fade, the handsome foliage disappears as well. Trilliums are long-lived, prefer humus-rich soil with ample moisture, and make admirable companions for Asarum, Toad Lilies, and ferns.
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Its common name belies the simple elegance of this rarely offered Missouri woodlander. Three evenly spaced broad leaves forge a handsome platform for 2 in. high maroon blooms, which are mottled in shades of green, purple and white. Defined by 3 erect petals, the unique stalkless flowers gracefully embellish a clump-forming base, whose thick underground rhizomes will slowly colonize if left undisturbed.
Blooms April – May.
Size: 6" – 12" high x 6" – 12" wide.
Hardy to zone 4.
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