Autumn Brilliant Serviceberry


Perfumed clusters of spectacular white flowers, succulent purplish black berries, dazzling orange-red fall color and excellent disease resistance assure ‘Autumn Brilliance’s ticket into your landscape. A small, multitrunked shrubby tree, this Serviceberry is the prized hybrid between two deciduous North American species, Amelanchier arborea and Amelanchier laevis, which Illinois’ Bill Wandell selected in 1986. Handsome, fine-toothed, oval-lanceolate leaves, bronze-tinged when young, line its upright, closely arranged branches. Delectable to both people and birds, the small fruit can be added to jams as well as pies, tasting a bit like blueberries with subtle almond notes. It favors moderate moisture, abides most well-drained sites and makes a compelling understory tree for shrub borders, woodland peripheries plus informal screening or hedging. Large Band.
Blooms April
Size: 15' 0" – 25' 0" high x 15' 0" – 20' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 4.
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