Crimson Gloryvine

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Native to Japan and Korea—and absolutely fantastic! We love the grapes’ dramatic architecture and, in our garden, we’ve dedicated some substantial earthen columns to Crimson Glory Vine’s rampant blaze. Capable of filling an expanse, its very large (up to 10 to 12 in.), lobed and heart-shaped leaves are felted beneath in a rich rusty hue, providing a winsome palette for the display of diminutive greenish flowers that develop into clusters of beloved-by-birds purple-black fruit. A satisfying grayish green through the summer, deciduous leaves spark to flaming shades of scarlet and amber as fall sets in. Easy-to-grow Glory Vine’s color intensifies in slightly dry soil where its roots are somewhat restricted. Quart.
Blooms June
Size: 0" – 50' 0" high x 0" & spreading wide.
Hardy to zone 5.
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