Chinese Dogwood

Cornus kousa var. chinensis (T-0074)
Each 25.75

This sensational small, multistemmed tree presents year-round enticements. Cloaked with smooth, somewhat pubescent deciduous leaves, its rounded mien becomes a courtly dark green foil for multitudes of dazzling, petal-like creamy white bracts, many adopting tender pink blushes when they age. Autumn headlines eye-catching, reddish strawberry-style fruit amid scarlet and crimson foliage, while winter reveals dramatic exfoliating tan, gray and mahogany-mottled bark. Sensational when grouped in small groves or utilized as a specimen tree near patios, in woodland gardens and shrubby borders, Chinese Dogwood galvanizes birds, butterflies and gardeners alike, craves adequate water plus slightly acidic soil and appreciates enriched, well-drained quarters, but detests hot dry conditions.
Blooms May–June
Size: 15' 0" – 30' 0" high x 15' 0" – 30' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 5.
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