European Hornbeam

Scattered across temperate areas of the northern hemisphere, with most species populating east Asia, this fairly small deciduous genus is noteworthy for its hard timber, simple, neatly pleated leaves, hop-like fruiting clusters and understated elegance. Hornbeam’s urbane rich green foliage embellishes an undemanding long-lived habit that appreciates moderate moisture, but tolerates occasional dry conditions once established plus clay and alkaline soil.
Each 26.75

Renown for the grand forest-green hedges it fashions, European Hornbeam premiers glistening tight-knit pleated leaves, and when left unclipped develops a dense pyramidal to rounded silhouette. The toothed oval-shaped foliage takes on splendid buttery yellow fall color against smooth gray bark inscribed with muscular vertically aligned undulations. Enduring wind, heavy pruning and clay soil, cold-hardy Carpinus betulus can be showcased as a hedge, windbreak, single specimen, or planted in an allée, pleached or not. 10´ in 10 years. Large Band.
Blooms March
Size: 40' 0" – 60' 0" high x 20' 0" – 30' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 5.
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