Few purple flowers have so inspired people as to lend their name to a particular tint: heliotrope, lavender, violet and of course lilac. With a charming flower display that bridges the gap between spring and summer, this deciduous genus includes some of the most sweet-scented, elegant and colorful woody plants available.
Each 16.75

A stand-out among Lilacs, this sumptuous small-statured cultivar was introduced in 1976 by France’s internationally acclaimed Minier Nursery. Beguiling bees, butterflies and plant connoisseurs, dense wildly perfumed panicles of star-like lilac-pink blooms bestow a sensational spring showing and continue to unfurl sporadically throughout the summer amid broadly-ovate deciduous greenery. ‘Josée’s compact rounded habit makes an easy-care floriferous statement in cut arrangements, patio nooks and near garden benches or entranceways, where it tolerates heat and cold.
Blooms May–September
Size: 4' 0" – 6' 0" high x 4' 0" – 6' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 3.
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