Shrubby Cinquefoil
Resilient and undemanding perennials cherished for their long-blooming season, tidy appearance and attractive foliage, Potentillas endure poor soil, but insist on good drainage.
Potentilla fruticosa ‘Pink Beauty’ (S-0855)
Each 13.00

Hats off to the University of Manitoba for this tailored AGM recipient and its floriferous clear-pink display. Conjuring wild roses, the adorable pastel-hued blooms present sprightly yellow eyes encompassed by whitish centers amid small pinnate medium green leaves. ‘Pink Beauty’s mounding bushy habit emphasizes natty fine-textured accents, which can be juxtaposed against broad-leafed shrubs and perennials in courtyards, seashore plantings, cottage gardens or herbaceous borders.
Blooms June–September
Size: 2' 0" – 3' 0" high x 2' 0" – 3' 0" wide.
Zone 2/3.
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