

Gallivanting throughout the forests of Canada and the northern half of North America, this stylish herbaceous subshrub looks a bit like Cornus florida, though its luminous flowers and dark greenery are much smaller. The lush, whorled, deeply veined leaves, which sprout from spreading rhizomes, sculpt a low growing ground cover adorned with showy, upfacing, butterfly-friendly flowers, each defined by 4 oval-shaped, white bracts plus a tiny, central greenish yellow umbel. Bronzy-red fall color and ornamental, bright red berry-like fruit, eaten by birds and gardeners alike, offer added appeal. Second-to-none for naturalizing or edging wooded pathways, Bunchberry spurns deer and rabbits, detests hot, humid weather and enjoys dappled shade as well as slightly acidic, adequately moist soil.
Blooms May–July
Size: 6" – 8" high x 12" – 2' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 2.
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