Willow-Leaf Jessamine

Cestrum ‘Orange Peel’ (S-0836)
Each 14.75

An irresistible mecca for bees, hummingbirds and designers, copious loose bouquets of tubular ocher and orange-colored blossoms with yellow star-shaped tips unfurl from early spring ’til frost, exuding unbeatable ebullience and a sweet scent at dusk. The appealing, deer-resistant Ligustrum-style foliage plus long, fast developing, woody stems remain evergreen in Zone 8b, but become deciduous and temporarily die back in colder locales. Related to potatoes and easy to cultivate, this heat-loving Cestrum diurnum and Cestrum nocturnum hybrid sprouts a billowing, multistemmed bearing that can be ensconced in containers, espaliered against sheltered walls and staged either singularly or massed in well-drained mixed planting schemes.
Blooms June–October
Size: 6' 0" high x 4' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 7.
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