Aronia melanocarpa ‘Viking’ (S-0781)
Each 15.75

Deemed one of the best cultivars in the genus, this small trouble-free European introduction was destined to be a orchard plant until gardeners discovered its innate beauty and various merits. Glimmering amid glossy dark green foliage, abundant scented white flowers are followed by lustrous extralarge purplish black berries, which make tasty nutritious additions to pies and jellies, and remain throughout the winter as fodder for the birds, especially early spring-feeding robins. ‘Viking’s pleasing deciduous profile blazes with vivid red autumn leaves and seldom needs pruning, plus it withstands drought and most pests.
Blooms April–May
Size: 3' 0" – 5' 0" high x 3' 0" – 5' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 3.
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