Birchleaf Spirea

With attractive foliage and a graceful habit, these hardy, deciduous flowering shrubs belong to the Rose family, and are easily grown in any fertile, somewhat moisture-retentive garden soil.

Unique among Spireas for its petite oval-shaped Birch-like leaves, ‘Tor’s tightknit orderly mounds make a reflective deep green foil for clustered purplish buds and a profusion of sprightly snow-white blooms that charm the butterflies. Autumn brings additional enticements when the refined foliage premieres orange, red and purple colors. Employed as a mixed border or rockery specimen, or planted en masse along pathways and foundations, this compact deciduous shrub fancies sunshine and periodic pruning. It combines well with silver-dappled Pulmonarias or Carex testacea, which provide compelling foliar contrast.
Blooms May–June
Size: 2' 0" – 3' 0" high x 2' 0" – 3' 0" wide.
Zone 3/4.
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