Golden Elderberry
Throughout the world, Elders have long been considered powerful trees and shrubs. Sicilians thought the branches killed serpents and drove away robbers; Serbs believed the branches brought good luck at weddings; the English carried knotted twigs in their pockets to ward off rheumatism. We invite you to plant Elders to provide quick shade, wind protection, or an easy screen for unwanted views.
These wild-looking deciduous shrubs grow quickly and offer a beautiful accent near water. With pinnate leaves, white to pink flat flower clusters that measure up to 10 in. wide, and small, dark fruit, most of the twenty species of the genus like good, moist soil.
Sambucus racemosa ‘Sutherland Gold’ (S-0750)
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Springtime layers of finely dissected golden foliage attire this award-winning multistemmed Sambucus. More resistant to sun scorch than other yellow-leafed Elderberry cultivars, the delicate looking ferny leaves emerge in copper-hued shades and slowly develop a refreshing lime-green cast during the warmer months. Favoring judicious pruning, adequately moist soil and bright partial shade, its graceful visage is further enhanced by conical racemes of creamy white flowers and glossy red fruit that birds adore.
Blooms late April – May.
Size: 6' 0" – 10' 0" high x 6' 0" – 10' 0" wide.
Zone 3/4.
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