Red Australian Fuchsia

Australian Fuchsia
Pendulous droves of dainty tubular blooms resembling Fuchsias promise to tempt the hummingbirds in your garden, and enliven it with fall, winter and early spring color. These evergreen shrubs have attractive dense growth, often with down covered stems and foliage. A small group of Australian natives, Correa are exceptionally tough, tolerating drought, salt spray, poor soil, wind and deer, but beware of over watering them. Plant in a well-drained spot on a bank or in the mixed border, and provide shade in hotter climates.

Sprinkled amongst waxy green leaves, ‘Dusky Bells’s pendulous red tubular flowers, dressed in chartreuse calyxes and flared tips, become one of winter’s more endearing attractions. The dainty long lasting blooms appear in autumn and persist through early spring, luring both gardeners and hummingbirds alike.
Whether utilized as a low mounding specimen in a large vessel or as a tidy evergreen ground cover for banks, hillsides or other tough spots, the Red Australian Fuchsia favors good drainage and light shade where it’s hot. This densely branched shrub is undaunted by deer, ocean frontage, poor rocky sites, and occasional drought. Affiliate with other steadfast companions like Ceanothus ‘Concha’ and Stipa arundinacea.
Blooms November – early March.
Size: 18" – 2' 0" high x 2' 0" – 3' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 9.
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