Seiju Chinese Elm

Ulmus parvifolia ‘Seiju’ (S-0728)
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This dwarf Chinese Elm presents an array of ornamental attributes: fissured corklike bark, delicate branches uniquely arranged in somewhat flattened sprays, petite dark green foliage—elliptic, toothed and lustrous—and bright new growth. Unsurpassed in a trough, a rock garden or as a bonsai subject, it is a stellar, disease resistant sport of the ultraminiature Ulmus ‘Hokkaido’ with small reddish flowers, slightly larger deciduous leaves and a faster growth rate.
Bred by Carl Young of Lodi, California, ‘Seiju’s no-fuss nature loves sun and ample moisture, while abiding an array of soils.
Blooms August.
Size: 2' 0" – 10' 0" high x 2' 0" – 10' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 4.
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