Maroon Tree Peony

Tree Peony
These shrubby undemanding Paeonias combine winning foliage with ultra-chic flowers. Prospering in average garden soil that's either acidic or alkaline, but not overly wet, they enjoy a periodic pruning and protection from spring frost.
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Named after Pierre Jean Marie Delavay, a French missionary and avid plant collector who resided in China during the late 1800s, this gorgeous, rarely cultivated Peony showcases lavish burgundy blossoms amid splendid foliage. The slightly nodding, dark shiny flowers are fragrant and brightened by a large central cluster of yellow stamens. Strong, red-tinted upright stems and deciduous, deeply cut glaucous green leaves sculpt an undemanding, long-lived elegant shrub.
The Maroon Tree Peony handles spring frosts, needs a pruning to maintain its bushy habit and appreciates a cool, moist sheltered site with a generous helping of well rotted manure.
Blooms May.
Size: 5' 0" – 6' 0" high x 2' 0" – 3' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 6.
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