(‘Coppertina’® Ninebark)

Common Ninebark
Anywhere eye catching foliar masses are needed, the following deciduous selections can fill the bill. With a leafy, casual look, Physocarpus presents three-lobed leaves, distinctive corymbs of tightly clustered small flowers and earthy red pillow-shaped fruit along their stems. These cold tolerant, Spiraea and Neillia kin possess both a durable, yet alluring bent.
Physocarpus opulifolius ‘Mindia’ (S-0661)
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Copper-toned spring leaves distinguish this spectacular new cross between ‘Dart’s Gold’ and ‘Diabolo’, which was bred by Frenchman Jean Paul Divasse. As the weather warms, the foliage adopts a rich red, embellished with a summertime plethora of buttonlike pinkish white blooms and later, decorative scarlet seed heads. Winter reveals a dense, vigorous framework of attractive peeling bark, proving ‘Coppertina’ to be a shrub for all seasons. No special care required, easily hedged and indispensable as a specimen, it deserves a commanding position in your garden. (pp#16,371)
Blooms June–July
Size: 7' 0" – 9' 0" high x 8' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 4.
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