Each 17.25

Discovered in 1895 along China’s Yangtze River by Scottish-born doctor, botanist and linguist Augustine Henry, this long-loved swank evergreen won its first British garden award in 1911. Lustrous, alternate leaves with small holly-esque, soft spiny margins craft an impeccably tailored rich green foil for the dazzling, draped floral display that charms bees, flower arrangers and plant connoisseurs. Small, dense greenish cream-colored flowers resemble elegant, slender foot-long catkins and waft a sweet honey scent. Intolerant of drought, yet resistant to deer and rabbits, Holly-Leaf Sweetspire can be featured as an easy-care screen, a stylish mixed border specimen along a path or espaliered against a fence or courtyard wall. Adequate moisture, partial shade plus shelter from strong winds and hot sun guarantee its success.
Blooms late July–October
Size: 10' 0" high x 10' 0" wide.
Zone 6b/7.
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