Variegated Five-Leaf Aralia


Wherever this carefree East Asian native is staged, it quickly matures into an engaging medium-sized specimen full of panache. Artfully highlighted by irregular creamy-white margins, Buckeye-style, 5-fingered bright green leaves, each with tiny spines at the base, garb numerous upright and arching cane-like stems. This hardy, rounded deciduous shrub exhibits great fortitude and readily adapts to a wide range of soil, even dry conditions, while flourishing in sun or dappled light. The only dilemma you’ll encounter is narrowing down the myriad choices of where to plant Variegated Five-Leaf Aralia: the shade garden, the backside of a perennial bed or mixed border or perhaps along the edge of your property as a screen or hedgerow.
Size: 6' 0" – 7' 0" high x 6' 0" – 7' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 5.
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