Variegated Boxleaf Azara

Azara microphylla ‘Variegata’ (S-0624)
Each 14.50

While the species hails from Chile, Azara ‘Variegata’ originated in Ireland and everything about this evergreen shrub is elegant. Its dainty dark green gleaming leaves are rimmed by broad alabaster margins as they cloak sprays of graceful downward-arching branches. Achieving a unique herringbone look, the diminutive leaflets feature smaller, overlapping leaves at their bases and in early spring, tufted flowers laden with the heavenly sweet whiff of vanilla. Slowly growing into a large specimen that emphasizes sophisticated texture and pattern, especially when superimposed against a wall, it begs a sheltered west or south facing site, sulks in hotter climates and can easily be pruned to fit just about any other garden spot.
Blooms March–April
Size: 13' 0" high x 9' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 8.
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