Once you get to know this eternally appealing genus, it is easy to see why it was named after the Greek goddess Hebe who symbolized youth and immortality. With trim, tidy habits that convey a chipper attitude, our evergreen selections hail from New Zealand, serving up an irresistible dose of small dapper leaves aligned in alternating pairs all year long, and from summer until fall slender tapered racemes borne at foliar axils. Indispensable for seashore gardens, these former members of the Veronica genus make top-notch container plants in colder climates, appreciate a light spring shearing and can handle wind, some drought and sunshine galore.
Hebe pimeleoides ‘Quicksilver’ (S-0590)
Each 12.25

Indigenous to New Zealand, this AGM-winning evergreen shrublet promotes a versatile low-growing wiry habit. The arching whipcord-like black stems sparkle with spiky pale lilac blooms and petite, silvery blue-green leaves that are neatly arranged in closely set opposite pairs. Enjoying cool summers, mild winters, adequate moisture and fast-draining nooks, ‘Quicksilver’s unique colors and remarkable texture can grace containers, mixed borders and cut arrangements.
Blooms June–July
Size: 12" – 18" high x 2' 0" – 3' 0" wide.
Zone 7/8.
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