Butterfly Bush
Around midsummer, when the pendulous racemes of flowers weigh down its boughs, it’s hard to decide which is more satisfying: Buddleja’s abundant, often fragrant blossoms, or the myriad butterflies they attract.
Buddleja davidii ‘Summer Beauty’ (S-0584)
Each 13.75

‘Summer Beauty’ is our favorite pink blooming Butterfly Bush. Headlining large, conical and richly rosy, fragrant trusses that make gorgeous cut flowers, and a tidy, fast growing, yet compact stature of gently curving branches, this Buddleia makes an excellent small specimen.
The handsome pewter-tinged leaves can be blended with the like-hued foliage of Salvia clevelandii. ‘Aromas’ and Lavenders for a restful, silvery garden vista. Include Euphorbia ‘Dean’s Hybrid’s acid-yellow blooms for a more exuberant summer display.
Blooms June–early October.
Size: 6' 0" – 7' 0" high x 4' 0" – 5' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 5.
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