Himalayan Butterfly Bush

Butterfly Bush
Around midsummer, when the pendulous racemes of flowers weigh down its boughs, it’s hard to decide which is more satisfying: Buddleja’s abundant, often fragrant blossoms, or the myriad butterflies they attract.
Each 13.75

One of the softest looking plants in our garden, this exceptional Himalayan native invites a touch every time we stroll by. Displaying white wooly undersides and toothed, wavy-edged margins, the 6 in. long, broadly shaped gray-green leaves are oh so fuzzy! In summer, stout felted branches host densely set lilac panicles of fragrant, orange-throated flowers. With its downy silver visage, Buddleja crispa makes a luminous partner for Phlox ‘David’ in the mixed border.
Blooms July–October.
Size: 4' 0" – 5' 0" high x 4' 0" – 5' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 6.
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