California Lilac

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One of the oldest and most dazzling of all Ceanothus hybrids, ‘Concha’ premiers a spectacular spring display of deep cobalt blue clustered flowers unfurling from tight pinkish red buds. Gracefully arching branches can withstand light pruning and are clad in lustrous, small dark green textured leaves, which etch an attractive evergreen foil.
Persisting some 15 to 25 years in a well-drained site with little or no irrigation, but amiable to minimal summer water and heavier soils, this adaptable Ceanothus can be employed as a dense hedge, a specimen shrub or for erosion control on slopes. Birds savor its seeds and seek its stately shelter, while Mediterraneans make worthy companions.
Blooms April – May
Size: 5' 0" – 7' 0" high x 6' 0" – 10' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 7.
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