Each 14.50

The shiny evergreen leaves are toothed, as the name implies, but that is hardly their most interesting feature. This handsome Chilean native bears paired dark green leaflets plus a unique shingle-like layer of tiny round leaves. Growing in a graceful somewhat open manner, extended arching branches host bountiful golden yellow blooms—clustered, fluffy, round starbursts—which exude a sweet fragrance, delighting all garden visitors, especially butterflies and hummingbirds. Exemplary as a verdant backdrop, screen or informal hedge, fast growing A. dentata tolerates redwood roots, responds well to pruning, relishes adequate drainage and requires protection from hot afternoon sun and cold winds.
Blooms March–May
Size: 10' 0" – 16' 0" high x 8' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 8.
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