Australian Fuchsia
Pendulous droves of dainty tubular blooms resembling Fuchsias promise to tempt the hummingbirds in your garden, and enliven it with fall, winter and early spring color. These evergreen shrubs have attractive dense growth, often with down covered stems and foliage. A small group of Australian natives, Correa are exceptionally tough, tolerating drought, salt spray, poor soil, wind and deer, but beware of over watering them. Plant in a well-drained spot on a bank or in the mixed border, and provide shade in hotter climates.
Correa alba (Bronze Select) (S-0343)
Each 10.75
Everyone loves this chance evergreen hybrid from U.C. Davis, except those pesky deer. It makes a great windbreak, forming a dense, tidy mound of smooth topped, fuzzy bottomed leaves and soft rust-colored stems, while tolerating coastal breezes. Small white, star-shaped flowers borne at the leaf axils are a nice touch in the drab months of late winter. Beware of overwatering!
Blooms January – March.
Size: 8' 0" high x 8' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 8.
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