Lily of the Valley

Japanese Andromeda

A luxurious bee-friendly cascade welcomes spring with large clusters of petite deep pink buds plus plentiful urn-shaped rose-pink flowers that don ivory-streaked rims and eventually fade to white. Extending the lovely display, ‘Valley Rose’s fine textured upright habit sprouts reddish copper-colored new growth against small glossy deep green mature leaves. First noted at Oregon’s Willamette Research Center by Dr. Ticknor, this sophisticated slow-growing evergreen shrub can be utilized as a compact rounded specimen or planted en masse in a mixed border. Somewhat acidic, evenly-moist well-drained enclaves bolster its easy-care disease resistant prowess.
Blooms March–April
Size: 4' 0" – 5' 0" high x 4' 0" – 5' 0" wide.
Zone 5b/6.
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