Butterfly Bush
Around midsummer, when the pendulous racemes of flowers weigh down its boughs, it’s hard to decide which is more satisfying: Buddleja’s abundant, often fragrant blossoms, or the myriad butterflies they attract.
Buddleja x ‘Lochinch’ (S-0005)
Each 13.75

A descendant of two Chinense species, Buddleja davidii and Buddleja fallowiana, this unrivaled old favorite inherited its parents’ most stellar qualities–large fragrant blooms, white felted stems and a graceful yet robust stature. Deep orange eyes sizzle amid 8 in. long branched panicles of tightset violet-blue flowers. Blanketed in white wool, the stems and new leaves make a cozy counterpoint to the smooth green topsides of older deciduous foliage, which retains frosted fuzzy undersides.
Maturing into an imposing bushy shrub, ‘Lochinch’ can be surrounded by ribbons of ornamental grasses for contrasting shapes and colors, or be under-planted with Stachys ‘Silver Carpet’ for a soft textural echo.
Blooms July–October.
Size: 8' 0" – 9' 0" high x 6' 0" – 7' 0" wide.
Zone 7/8.
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