This moisture-loving member of the Asteraceae family is native to most of eastern Asia and named for its “tongue-shaped” leaves. Whether planted as a specimen or en masse in a semishaded border, on the forest’s edge or by water, Ligularia will dazzle onlookers with its lush foliage and showy flowers
Ligularia dentata ‘Franz Feldweber’ (P-2287)
Each 12.75

A spectacular twinkling array of loose starry corymbs, sumptuous onyx, mahogany and jade-green foliar hues plus a grand persona are ′Franz Feldweber′s claim to fame. The beefy, long-stemmed cordate leaves shape a dapper low-growing polished mound that upholds thick, nearly leafless deep red stalks and copious cocoa-centered golden-yellow daisy-like flowers. Celebrated as the darkest-leafed of the species, this supposed ′Desdemona′ sport is an imposing perennial for moist woodland peripheries, pond edges and mixed borders with dappled light and Hakonechloa nearby.
Blooms July–mid-September
Size: 3' 0" high x 2' 0" – 2-1/2' wide.
Hardy to zone 4.
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