Bridal Wreath
Francoa sp. (Lavender-flowered) (P-2256)
Each 11.50
Elegantly swaying on upright lanky stems, numerous wand-like racemes are composed of close-set, pale lavender-hued blooms with dark purple streaks at each petal’s base. Slow-spreading rhizomes nourish a textural, mostly evergreen rosette characterized by large and lobed, undulating medium green leaves beneath the starry cut-flower-perfect blossoms. This vigorous, long-blooming and easy-care Heuchera cousin heroically tackles deer, slugs and dry dark recesses, but begs good drainage, average moisture and bright shade.
Blooms July–early September
Size: 2' 0" – 3' 0" high x 18" – 2' 0" wide.
Zone 7b/8.
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