Bear′s Breeches

Bear’s Breaches
Acanthus ‘Morning′s Candle’ (P-2196)
Each 14.25

This majestic free-flowering Dutch introduction claims one known parent, Acanthus mollis, and two speculative parents, either Acanthus spinosus or Acanthus hungaricus. Ideal for fresh and dried arrangements, up to a dozen mighty spires muscle upwards with a stylish long-lasting display of hooded pure white flowers nestled amid prickly purple bracts. Varnished, deeply scalloped dark green leaves define the valiant compact clump, which makes a breathtaking specimen in mixed borders. Remaining evergreen where winters are mild, ‘Morning’s Candle’ withstands heat, dry periods, rabbits and deer.
Blooms June-July
Size: 3' 0" – 4' 0" high x 2' 0" – 3' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 6.
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