Tough yet delightful, beloved by butterflies and bees, these succulent perennials flourish even in lean and mean soil. Asserting a decidedly horizontal element to the garden, long-lasting flat umbels of starry flowers emerge from buds in broccoli-like clusters. Supported by stout sturdy stems, the blooms mature through a range of colors, extending the visual delight well into winter. Asking only for good drainage along with an occasional sip of water, Sedums are durable, reliable and virtually maintenance free.
Each 10.50

A probable Sedum telephium ‘Atropurpureum’ and Sedum ‘Ruby Glow’ descendant, this award-winning richly colored Sedum arose as a chance seedling in Vera Jameson’s garden some 50 years ago. Firm, slightly arching purplish stems plus thick succulent-style blue-green leaves, infused with deep violet and burgundy hues by late summer, boost a galaxy of petite star-like dusty-pink blooms. Coveted by bees, butterflies and floral designers, the large 3 to 5 in. wide flattened heads, unfurling from showy coral-pink buds, impart easy-to-blend antique tones and a compelling presence that lasts well into winter.
Blooms July–October
Size: 9" – 12" high x 9" – 12" wide.
Hardy to zone 4.
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Other selections in this genus:
- Sedum ‘Autumn Fire’
- Sedum ‘Carl’
- Sedum globosum ‘Old Man’s Bones’
- Sedum ‘Jose Aubergine’
- Sedum ‘Matrona’
- Sedum ‘Mr. Goodbud’
- Sedum ‘Purple Emperor’
- Sedum spectabile ‘Indian Chief’
- Sedum spectabile ‘Neon’
- Sedum spectabile ‘Septemberglut’
- Sedum spurium ‘John Creech’
- Sedum spurium ‘Voodoo’
- Sedum telephium ‘Emperor’s Wave’
- Sedum telephium ssp. ruprechtii ‘Hab Gray’
- Sedum telephium ‘Karfunkelstein’
- Sedum telephium ‘Munstead Red’
- Sedum telephium ‘Red Cauli’