Alpine Ladys Mantle

Lady’s Mantle
You might not transmute gold with Alchemilla, but foamy clusters of tiny star-like flowers in brilliant chartreuse will materialize above beautifully scalloped, slightly toothed foliage. A contrast of forms, Alchemilla was used to collect dewdrops in the medieval preparation of the Philosopher’s Stone. We find the way moisture collects and moves like mercury on the pale green leaves always magical. Whether fresh or dried, the flowers are a welcome addition to any bouquet.

Indigenous to Greenland and Newfoundland, this snug low growing Alchemilla combines elfin charm with enduring resilience. The petite dark green leaves are distinguished by deep separate lobes, delicate silver margins and soft hairy undersides beneath a dainty effervescence of clustered chartreuse flowers perched on short stems. Touting age-old curative properties plus superb cold hardiness, Alchemilla alpina’s diminutive mound can be cozied against rocks, along paths or atop stone walls where it abides poor, lean soil but cherishes well-drained, somewhat moist niches.
Blooms June-August
Size: 6" – 8" high x 8" – 12" wide.
Hardy to zone 4.
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