Our noteworthy offerings from this diverse genus feature captivating cool-colored summertime flowers, coarsely toothed hairy foliage and 4-angled stems. Easily grown in average garden soil, they will delight you with months of bloom and a lighthearted presence.
Verbena rigida ‘Santos’ (P-2008)
Each 10.75

Perched on stiff tribranched candelabra-style stems, small dense clusters of electric purple flowers work tirelessly from late spring ’til early autumn, delighting pollinators and plant enthusiasts. Attractive rough-surfaced dark greenery—oblong and toothed—loosely cloaks the upright bushy habit that endures heat, drought and most pests. A somewhat tender, low growing perennial, ‘Santos’ craves sun and good drainage, fits easily into smaller gardens or containers plus makes a dazzling companion for Dahlia ‘Bishop of Llandaff’ and Crocosmia ‘John Boots’.
Blooms June–mid-October
Size: 18" – 2' 0" high x 2' 0" – 3' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 7.
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