Rose Campion

German Catchfly
A relative of Dianthus, the genus name of this low maintenance, easy-to-grow perennial comes from the Greek word lychos, meaning “lamp,” and it is clearly an attempt to describe the light that comes from the splendid-for-cutting flower clusters that can brighten any garden space.
Narrow, almost grasslike, green and often evergreen leaves form neat rosettes, while sticky stems earn the strange common name of “Catchfly.” Tolerant of poor soil and dry conditions, Lychnis captures plenty of attention when placed front and center along a pathway, in a crevice or atop a wall.
Lychnis coronaria ‘Angel's Blush’ (P-1993)
Each 10.75

Soft-as-flannel silver-gray basal rosettes bolster a multitude of large, crisp white flowers, each with a prominent central pink blush. Perched atop leafy upright whitish green flowering stalks, the variably colored blooms promise a luminous long-lasting show, while the lance-shaped fuzzy leaves remain evergreen in mild locales. Wrangling lean soil, cold winters and dry conditions, this hard-to-find comely Lychnis requires good drainage, endures bright shade and mostly grows as a short-lived perennial, yet readily reseeds.
Blooms July– September
Size: 2' 0" high x 18" wide.
Zone 3/4.
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