Shale Barrens Buckwheat

Referring to a woolly plant with bent stems, this diverse North American genus aptly procures its name from the Greek word erion, which translates “wool,” and gonu meaning “knee or joint.” Our noteworthy Wild Buckwheat selections offer attractive foliage and intrepid personas coupled with a flood of blooms for pollinators and gardeners alike.

Though its lighthearted cultivar name and rather serious sounding common moniker may conjure divergent images, this reliable underused perennial has virtues everyone agrees on: long bloom period, ease of maintenance, cold hardiness and superb drought tolerance. Gray-green paddle-like leaves compose a tidy, dense low growing rosette beneath the bounty of beautiful bright golden umbels. Adored by bees, butterflies and hummingbirds, the parasol-shaped blooms mature with bronzy-orange hues and later develop intriguing seed heads. Sunshine, good air circulation and dry, fast-draining lean soil will keep ‘Little Rascal’ from making too much mischief!
Blooms June–September
Size: 16" high x 16" wide.
Hardy to zone 5.
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