False Indigo
Distinguished by their stately postures, these long-lived Legume family members grow wild in the eastern and southern regions of this country. A handsome mass of leaflets grouped in threes and erect, branching stems produce showy spires adorned with small, sweet-pea-like blooms. Easily cultivated in well-drained sites, Baptisias tolerate poor, sandy soil and some drought, but resent having their roots disturbed.

Populating dramatic 1 ½ ft. tall spires, ‘Royal Purple’s ample dark violet blossoms exhibit the most opulent, deep purple coloration of all the trialed Baptisia cultivars at Delaware’s highly acclaimed Mt. Cuba Center. This impressive Chicagoland introduction boasts a bumblebee haven of blooms, plus an attractive shrub-like habit with tailored blue-green foliage, lengthy seasonal interest and a virtually pest-free vigor. (PPAF)
Blooms May–June
Size: 3' 0" – 4' 0" high x 3' 0" – 4' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 4.
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