Blue Diamond Impatiens

From a genus comprised of hundreds of species, the following easily grown shade lovers offer both foliar and floral interest. Impatiens omeiana is surprisingly hardy, while the other selections are quite tender; all look compelling in either a pot or a garden bed.

Hailing from the world’s deepest canyon in the remote Himalayan shadows of Mt. Namcha-Barwa, this wondrous 2003 discovery introduces perhaps the bluest flowering perennial Impatiens to date. Hallmarked by yellow-etched white throats and bright ultramarine or vivid blue-violet flared petals, whose colors vacillate with exposure, the extraordinary bountiful blooms appear nearly year round, conjuring images of exotic flying birds amid shiny serrated green leaves. Highly coveted, hard-to-find and perfect for containers, inside or out, Blue Diamond is a frost sensitive temptress that can be grown as a self-sowing annual in cold climates and as a perennial in milder areas, where it adores cool summers, even moisture and filtered light, and abhors hot sun and frosty nights.
Blooms April–October.
Size: 18" high x 18" wide.
Hardy to zone 10.
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