The most garden-worthy plants of this versatile genus, which includes 65 species of annuals, biennials and perennials, all bearing pincushion flower heads, are valued for their stature and distinctively textured foliage. Amenable and undemanding perennials with a graceful air, our selections work equally well as specimens or as a swath meandering through the landscape.
Cephalaria galpiniana (P-1749)
Each 11.25

Cephalaria galpiniana is unique among other species in the genus for its attractive, ferny green basal mound comprised of long, narrow ultra-chiseled toothed leaves and succulent stems. Buoyant creamy yellow pincushion-styled flowers are presented on supple 18 in. green stalks for a carefree summer showing. Smaller statured than its towering cousin, Cephalaria gigantea, this seldom offered perennial can be situated closer to the frontlines, where its relaxed stance and easily melded colors effectively offset broad or gray foliage and bolder-hued flowers.
Blooms June–August.
Size: 18" – 2' 0" high x 12" – 15" wide.
Hardy to zone 7.
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