“I know a bank where the wild thyme blows,” says Oberon to Puck in A Midsummer Night’s Dream. Upright or creeping, these aromatic culinary and ornamental herbs form luscious mats of ground cover or sprite-sized shrubs, embellished with miniature flowers in whites, purples and pinks. Sprinkled throughout the herb garden, or around stepping stones or bricks, Thymes love sun and well-drained soil, and can even tolerate a dose of wind and salt spray.
Thymus quinquecostatus (P-1718)
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Even though its name doesn’t impart visions of beauty, we promise you’ll be smitten with this showy Asian Thyme. Highly fragrant dark green leaves and wire-thin creeping stems weave a dense verdant mat. Prolific, ample-sized rosy pink flowers festoon foliage that can soften your pavers, flavor your dinner or be utilized medicinally to fight cancer and infections.
Blooms July – August.
Size: 4" high x 12" – 2' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 5.
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Other selections in this genus:
- Thymus ‘Bressingham’
- Thymus ‘Doone Valley’
- Thymus ‘Latavin Lucy’
- Thymus leuchotrichus
- Thymus longiflorus
- Thymus neiceffii
- Thymus pannonicus
- Thymus ‘Pink Chintz’
- Thymus praecox ssp. arcticus ‘Albus’
- Thymus praecox ‘Pseudolanuginosus’
- Thymus pulegioides ‘Archer’s Gold’
- Thymus ‘Rose Williams’
- Thymus serpyllum ‘Doretta Klaber’
- Thymus serpyllum ‘Minor’
- Thymus serpyllum ‘Victor Reiter’
- Thymus vulgaris ‘Passion Pink’