Hardy Impatiens

From a genus comprised of hundreds of species, the following easily grown shade lovers offer both foliar and floral interest. Impatiens omeiana is surprisingly hardy, while the other selections are quite tender; all look compelling in either a pot or a garden bed.
Each 11.25

On Mount Emei’s misty slopes amid firs and tree rhododendrons, this attractive perennial Impatiens was collected at 8000 ft. by noted ecologist Dr. Don Jacobs.
The fantastic whorls of long slender, dark green leaves with silver veins and red undersides undoubtedly caught his eye during his 1983 expedition to China’s Sichuan Province. Cheered by showy yellow Snapdragon-like flowers in late summer, cold-tolerant Impatiens omeiana knits a nonfussy deciduous ground cover, naturalizing over time from wide-spreading underground stolons. Its colorful foliage brings textural appeal to a shady woodland setting and is ideal for a moderately moist, well-drained location.
Blooms September–October.
Size: 15" high x 2' 0" – 3' 0" wide.
Hardy to zone 7.
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